How to Find Al-Anon Meetings in Ohio

Last Updated: February 15, 2023

When you are in recovery and moving from Ohio addiction treatment into everyday life once again, it is important to have support in this recovery process. While counseling and other therapies can be extremely beneficial for addicts and their families, the families of those in recovery can also benefit immensely from peer-focused meetings such as Al-Anon. What are Al-Anon meetings, and how can they help the friends and family of addicts?

What is Al-Anon?

According to Ohio Al-Anon, Al-Anon is “a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope, in order to solve their common problems.”

The program is accessible to those who follow a religion or those who do not. It follows similar steps to those steps in AA. These steps include admitting that they are powerless over alcohol, seeking a higher power to restore sanity, understanding your morals and your wrongs, working to remove shortcomings and make amends, and trying to work on an ongoing basis to improve your connection with a higher power and yourself.

How Does Al-Anon Differ from AA?

While AA offers support to those in recovery, Al-Anon offers support to the friends and family of addicts. According to, friends and family of addicts often find themselves in the position of caretaker, yet they are uncertain about the future, uncertain of how to love without enabling addiction, and accustomed to being lied to and being unable to trust the addict in their lives.

Al-Anon is designed to give the friends and family of addicts a place to share their feelings and build a sense of purpose. This companion group to AA now has 400,000 members in 130 countries. There are also Alateen groups that focus on the needs of teens who have an alcoholic in the family.

Supporting Friends and Family of Addicts

When a friend or family member is addicted to drugs or alcohol, this takes a toll on the people around that person. Friends and family play an important part in helping people in Ohio addiction treatment. They are often the first to broach the topic of treatment, the biggest advocates and supporters of that treatment, and they are there to continue relationships and help the addict begin a new life after intensive treatment is complete.

For these friends and family members, being with an addict, supporting that addict, and then helping that person transition can be stressful and joyful at the same time. Thus, 12-step support groups can play a key role in the overall support of the friends and family of addicts. Such programs provide a community of people who are going through the same types of problems, and they provide a safe space to discuss issues of addiction. These meetings can also help family members set boundaries and work on their own emotional reactions to addiction. Finally, they can help family members take a more active role in the healing of their friend and family members by learning how to be a helpful support person.

Are you curious how you can get support for your advocacy and assistance to your friends and family members who are struggling with addiction? At The Recovery Village, we can help; contact us to learn more about Ohio substance abuse treatment resources including many inpatient, outpatient, and family services that we offer.

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