Substance Abuse in the Navy

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Last Updated - 06/26/2024

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Updated 06/26/2024

Key Takeaways

  • Substance misuse in the Navy is influenced by deployment, combat exposure, and reintegration stress, with nearly two in five sailors experiencing severe stress.
  • Veterans aged 18 to 25 are particularly vulnerable to substance use or mental health disorders, with a higher prevalence of smoking and alcohol use compared to non-veterans.
  • The Navy has implemented policies to discourage substance misuse, but challenges like stigma and underutilization of services persist.
  • Substance misuse in the Navy includes alcohol, prescription drugs, and tobacco, with integrated treatment for co-occurring conditions like PTSD and SUDs.
  • Substance misuse impacts Navy personnel physically and psychologically, leading to health risks and career consequences.
  • The Navy’s approach to substance misuse includes the NADAP program, focusing on education, detection, and deterrence.
  • Substance misuse prevention initiatives in the Navy include live chats, crisis text lines, and the DEFY program.
  • The Navy’s treatment and rehabilitation programs, including SARP and NDACS, offer a tiered approach to support service members.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of Navy substance misuse programs involves tools like ADMITS and ongoing research to improve outcomes.

Understanding Substance Abuse in the Navy

Substance misuse within the Navy presents a critical concern for health and readiness, influenced by deployment, combat exposure, and the challenges of reintegrating into civilian life. A systematic narrative review highlights the complex relationship between military service and alcohol use, exacerbated by historic social and cultural norms within the military. 

Factors Influencing Substance Abuse

  1. Deployment and Stress: Deployment and combat exposure contribute significantly to higher rates of substance misuse among Navy personnel. Stress associated with military service, including reintegration stress, plays a crucial role in the development of SUDs.
  2. Health of the Force Report: Nearly two in five enlisted sailors experience severe stress, which correlates with increased substance misuse rates, as indicated in the Navy’s Health of the Force report.
  3. Vulnerability of Young Veterans: Research from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) highlights that veterans aged 18 to 25 are particularly vulnerable, with high rates of substance use and mental health disorders.
  4. Prevalence and Impact: Smoking and alcohol use among veterans are notably higher compared to the general population, imposing significant costs on the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).

Department of Defense Initiatives and Challenges

  1. Policy Efforts: The Department of Defense implements policies to discourage substance misuse, including smoking cessation programs and restrictions on tobacco use in medical facilities. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that the prevalence of tobacco use, alcohol misuse, and prescription drug misuse remains a concern.
  2. Persistent Challenges: Despite efforts, challenges such as stigma and underutilization of services remain barriers to effective prevention and treatment.
  3. Integrated Approaches: The Navy integrates treatment for co-occurring conditions like PTSD and SUDs, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches to support personnel in recovery.

Comparative Perspective with Other Military Branches

  1. Unique Challenges: Compared to other branches like the Army and Marine Corps, the Navy experiences varying rates and types of substance misuse due to different operational environments and stressors.
  2. Common Issues: Heavy and binge drinking are significant concerns across all military branches, influenced by combat exposure and operational stress.
  3. Prescription Drug Misuse: Rising misuse of opioids for pain management affects all branches, with specific data needed for precise branch-to-branch comparisons.
  4. Demographic Factors: Age and gender differences in SUD prevalence vary across military branches, impacting policy and program effectiveness.

While the Navy shares common challenges with other branches regarding substance misuse, its unique operational context necessitates tailored policies and programs. Comprehensive data specific to each branch is crucial for understanding and effectively addressing substance use disorders across the military.

Commonly Abused Substances in the Navy

Substance misuse within the Navy encompasses a variety of substances, with alcohol and prescription drugs standing out as notably prevalent. Research from sources such as SAGE Journals and the National Library of Medicine highlight the prevalence of heavy drinking among military personnel, including those in the Navy, often exceeding that of their civilian counterparts. 

Alcohol Abuse 

  1. Prevalence and Patterns: Alcohol misuse is a significant concern in the Navy, with studies indicating higher rates of heavy drinking compared to civilian populations. Cultural norms within the military, stress from deployment, and co-occurring mental health conditions like PTSD contribute to elevated consumption levels.
  2. Programs and Initiatives: The Navy addresses alcohol misuse through programs such as Alcohol and Drug Abuse for Managers/Supervisors (ADAMS), as detailed on the MyNavyHR website, aimed at promoting responsible behavior and deterring substance misuse. These efforts are essential for maintaining operational readiness and supporting the well-being of Navy personnel.
  3. Integrated Care: Treatment approaches increasingly focus on integrated care for both alcohol misuse and mental health issues like PTSD, recognizing the interconnected nature of these conditions.
  4. Ongoing Challenges: Despite prevention and deterrence efforts, challenges persist in reducing alcohol misuse. Continued refinement of strategies and reducing stigma associated with seeking help are critical for improving outcomes.

Illicit Drug Use 

  1. Substance Diversity: The New York Times reported illicit drug use within the Navy spans various substances, including opioids, cocaine, cannabis, amphetamines, synthetic hallucinogens, and performance-enhancing drugs. The diversity reflects the complex nature of substance misuse in military settings.
  2. Survey Findings: The 2015 Department of Defense Health Related Behaviors Survey (HRBS) identifies misuse of prescription drugs among active-duty personnel, paralleling trends in the general US population. The National Institute on Drug Abuse says unique stressors such as deployment and combat exposure increase the risk of substance use disorders (SUDs) among Navy personnel.
  3. Combat-Related Factors: Combat injuries and medical discharge transitions present vulnerabilities for increased drug use. The Navy responds with increased drug testing and deterrent measures to address illicit drug use effectively.
  4. Continued Focus: Ongoing attention to prevention, education, and treatment programs remains crucial for combating illicit drug use among Navy personnel, ensuring readiness and supporting the health of service members.

Physical and Psychological Impact: Substance Abuse on Navy Personnel

Substance abuse poses significant challenges for Navy personnel, affecting them physically, psychologically, and professionally. Research highlights that the military environment, including exposure to combat and the stress of deployment, can exacerbate substance misuse and its consequences. This section explores these impacts in detail.

Physical Health Risks:

  • Increases the likelihood of injuries during duty.
  • Contributes to long-term health issues such as liver disease and respiratory problems.

Psychological Impacts:

  • Linked to higher rates of mental health disorders like depression, PTSD, and anxiety, according to studies.
  • Can exacerbate stress related to military service and deployments.

Professional Impact:

  • May lead to disciplinary actions and loss of security clearance.
  • Hinders career advancement opportunities within the Navy.

Meta-analyses suggest that early intervention and integrated treatment approaches that address both substance use and co-occurring mental health conditions are crucial for improving outcomes and maintaining military readiness.

Comprehensive Prevention Approach: Substance Abuse in the Navy

The U.S. Navy has developed robust strategies to address and mitigate substance abuse among its personnel. Here’s an overview of their approach:

Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention (NADAP) Program:

  • Focuses on educating personnel about the risks associated with substance misuse.
  • Implements detection and deterrence measures to discourage substance-related issues.

Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program (SARP):

  • Provides treatment and support services for Navy personnel struggling with substance use disorders.
  • Facilitates recovery and promotes readiness through rehabilitation initiatives.

Policy Framework:

  • Governed by OPNAV Instruction 5350.4E, which outlines clear policies and procedures for addressing substance misuse.
  • Includes protocols for education, drug testing, and disciplinary actions.

Support Services:

  • Navy Drug and Alcohol Counselor School (NDACS) trains enlisted personnel to provide peer support and guidance.
  • Offers crisis support resources such as a 24/7 helpline and online chat services for immediate assistance.

Alignment with DoD Guidelines:

  • Policies are aligned with Department of Defense Instruction 1010.04, ensuring consistency and compliance across military branches.

Substance Abuse Treatment for Veterans

If you or a loved one are looking for veteran-specific help for opioid addictions, we can help. The Recovery Village Columbus offers comprehensive trauma-informed substance use treatment. As a proud partner of the VA Community Network, we provide a veteran-specific treatment track and work with VA benefits. We also offer EMDR, a revolutionary new therapy to treat post-traumatic stress. Contact a Recovery Advocate today. They’ll guide you through the admissions process and help you navigate your VA benefits or insurance.


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