Stimulants Abuse and the Matrix Model: How It Works in Ohio Drug Rehab

By The Recovery Village Columbus
Last Updated: November 10, 2022
What is the Matrix model of drug treatment? If you’re in Ohio, you might be considering this as an option for your drug treatment or for the treatment you’re seeking for a friend or family member. What does this model involve, and is it worthwhile?
How Does the Matrix Model Work?
The Matrix Model is one model for drug treatment that was originally developed as addiction treatment for stimulants abusers, such as those who are using stimulants such as cocaine. According to the Matrix Institute, it is “a set of evidence-based practices delivered in a clinically controlled manner as a program.”
What does this look like for the patient? The treatment is usually a 16-week intensive outpatient experience delivered in structured group sessions. This treatment helps patients in their early recovery and also focuses on preventing future relapses. A therapist coordinates both individual and group therapy sessions and the overall experience. According to Drug, in the Matrix Model, “the therapist functions simultaneously as teacher and coach, fostering a positive, encouraging relationship with the patient and using that relationship to reinforce positive behavior change.” There is weekly urine testing. Generally, there are also family and patient educational sessions and opportunities for continuing support, such as 12-step meetings.
What is the History of the Matrix Model?
The model was developed in response to the crisis in cocaine and meth use in Southern California in the 1980s. There was no specific protocol to manage the needs of these groups, particularly as outpatients. Clinicians and researchers began to work together to develop a program to ensure that users could receive effective treatment that was specific to the needs of those dependent on stimulants. The processes created had to be both effective and also simple and able to be transmitted in a manual for the protocol.
The Matrix Model in Ohio Drug Rehab
Are you looking for Ohio substance abuse treatment resources? There are many different types of Ohio drug rehab programs, and looking at all of your options will help you choose the program that is the right fit for you.
You might choose to pursue an inpatient program with ongoing outpatient support when you have completed that program. Take a particular look at the supports that your drug treatment center provides in terms of aftercare and ongoing support. However, not everyone needs or is able to pursue an inpatient program. Seek out a center that offers a wide variety of programs for your different needs, including one that accommodates people with other mental health challenges.
If you are seeking a positive, relationship-based outpatient program, the Matrix Model could be a good choice for you and your family. It has shown not only reductions in drug use, but it also improves psychological indicators and reduces risky behavior such as unsafe sex. The model has been shown to work with diverse people across different races and genders.
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